You received that dreaded phone call saying your student was marked late or absent in one or more classes.
The following may have happened:
* Teacher was not able to see your student login.
* Email the teacher or call front office to let us know you are having internet problem @ 916-294-9040 ext. 310116
* Your student was late - If this is true, your student is responsible for clearing this absence not the teacher. There are absence correction slips in the admin office. Come get one and have the teacher sign it. Please return it to the front desk in admin. HINT: Do not wait more than 5 days!
* Your student had a substitute. If there is a substitute make sure your student sits in their assigned seats for role call.
* Parent was busy and did not call in absence. You have 10 days to call in an absence or email
* Student left early without notifying the office. This is not allowed and the student may receive consequences for this action. Always sign out at the office or nurse.
Remember, those notification phone calls are for your benefit. This is our way of letting you know that your student has a mark on their attendance. If your student says its a mistake, that does not clear the absence. Please contact the school so we can help clear this. Unverified absences can lead to truancy letters.