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Promotion Retention Policy


Concern for students who are not performing at grade level has resulted in laws that require California schools to retain students who have not demonstrated mastery of English and Math standards. The criteria being used to determine mastery include earning passing grades in English and Math, with an overall three trimester minimum average of a “D” in both English and Math.

Folsom Cordova Unified School District Policy 5123 also outlines requirements for earning a middle school promotion certificate (8th graders). To be eligible for a promotion certificate, students must pass at least fifteen of eighteen trimester classes, as well as meet the above criteria for promotion, during the eighth grade year. 

Students will be promoted to the next grade level in middle school (barring retention recommendation by the Administration). However, in 8th grade, in order for your child to participate in the end of year Celebration - your child must meet all of the following criterias:

* Attendance - 90% Attendance: no more than 18 days of absence constituting them to be a chronic absentee

* Discipline - No expellable offenses during the current school year and no out of school suspensions in the final trimester exceeding 3 days.

* Grades - Pass 15 out of 18 trimester classes (Passing is defined as all grades above an F)

Failure to meet the criterias above makes your child ineligible to participate in the Celebration.  The Celebration is defined as: all end-of-year 8th grade activities (field trips, dances, etc.) and the ceremony where your child receives their certificate of middle school completion in an organized procession at the end of the year.  Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the Celebration will still advance to the 9th grade and receive their certificate unless retention is recommended by the Administration.

Counselors will notify students and parents of a student’s risk of retention as soon as the data is available. At the end of each trimester, counselors will view grades and determine if any new students are at risk and parents will be notified via email of the student’s status for promotion and participation in end-of-the-year activities.

 Parents and students are encouraged to stay current with assignments and grades via Powerschool. Contact the teacher directly if there are concerns.