Folsom Middle School English Department
The requirements are:
2024 – 2025 FMS Criteria for Honors English Placement
Incoming 6th Grade:
1. End of 5th grade Renaissance STAR Reading Test - Level 4 (Green)
2. “Standard Exceeded” on 5th grade ELA SBAC test
3. All A’s in 5th grade Reading and Writing
Incoming 7th Grade:
1. End of 6th grade Renaissance STAR Reading Test - Level 4 (Green)
2. “Standard Exceeded” on 6th grade ELA SBAC test
3. All A’s in 6th grade English or B’s in 6th grade Honors English
Incoming 8th Grade:
1. End of 7th grade Renaissance STAR Reading Test - Level 4 (Green)
2. “Standard Exceeded” on 7th grade ELA SBAC test
3. All A’s in 7th grade English or B’s in 7th grade Honors English
Helpful resources for English Language Arts at Folsom Middle School:
District Course Outlines
Shelley Greenwalt
Division lead
English 6 and Honors English 6
Kendall Black
English 7 and Honors English 7
Niki Decker
English 6 and Honors English 6
Jill Jones
English 7 and 8
Patricia Koppang
English 8 and Honors English 8
Jennifer Landeros
English 60/70/80
Sara Murphy
English 6 and English 8
Barbara Perry
English 7
Joseph Posadas
English 7
Melissa Reisinger
CARE English 8
Dana Trach
English 7 and Designated English & Trans Composition
Zachary Young
English 6
Shasta Zanetta
English 600/700/800