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Boys Wrestling

(December 2 - February 22)

Wrestling is a team sport offered for all athletes in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Wrestling is a non-cut sport. This means all athletes may join the team. For more information, contact Coach Ward.      
*All athletes must complete the sports signup information before participating in tryouts.
 *Please go to the Athletics Home for all sports signup information.


Transportation / Transportation

There will be no transportation fee this season due to a bus driver shortage. Please consider donating to our sports programs. Payments and donations will be received at the Student Accounts Office or online. Transportation/Donation Form



Jag Swag

Wrestling (Game-One Sports Apparel)
Wrestling (BSN Sports Apparel)

*Wrestling Apparel- Pay close attention to the sizing descriptions. There are no refunds or exchanges. (optional purchase)


Wrestling Athlete Information Meeting: Friday, November 15 During FLEX in the wrestling/dance room    
Practices Begin: Monday, December 2, 3:45 - 5:30pm in the Wrestling Room    
Practices: Monday - Thursday 3:40 - 5:30pm in the Wrestling Room    
First Wrestling Meet: Saturday, January 18
Team Picture Day: Monday, January 21, 4:30pm (during practice)


FMS Wrestling Tournament Schedule

January 18, Bella Vista Winter Classic, @ Bella Vista HS
January 25, Bruin Brawl, @ Ponderosa HS
January 28, FMS vs Sutter Dual @ Folsom MS

February 1, Falcon Tournament, @ Whitney HS
February 8, Orangevale Invitational, @ Casa Roble HS
TBD Sacramento Regionals, @ FMS